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Code Snippet: User wise Memory Consumption in a CPanel based Linux Server

Run the following command snippet to output a neatly formatted User wise Memory Consumption in a CPanel based Linux Server :

OUT=$(/usr/local/cpanel/bin/dcpumonview | grep -v Top | sed -e 's#<[^>]*># #g' | while read i ; do NF=`echo $i | awk {'print NF'}` ; if [[ "$NF" == "5" ]] ; then USER=`echo $i | awk {'print $1'}`; OWNER=`grep -e "^OWNER=" /var/cpanel/users/$USER | cut -d= -f2` ; echo "$OWNER $i"; fi ; done) ; (echo "USER CPU" ; echo "$OUT" | sort -nrk4 | awk '{printf "%s %s%\n",$2,$4}' | head -5) | column -t ; echo; (echo -e "USER MEMORY" ; echo "$OUT" | sort -nrk5 | awk '{printf "%s %s%\n",$2,$5}' | head -5) | column -t

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