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Primer for Secure Large Language Models (LLMs)

Large Language Models (LLMs) are undoubtedly a game-changer in the field of artificial intelligence, empowering us to interact with computers in more intuitive ways. From generating human-like text to language translation and question-answering, LLMs have demonstrated their capabilities across various domains. However, like any revolutionary technology, LLMs come with their fair share of security risks. As engineers and developers, it is crucial to comprehend these risks and employ strategies to safeguard against potential misuse. In this article, we will explore the top 10 security risks associated with LLMs, as identified by the Open Worldwide Application Security Project (OWASP), and delve into examples of LLM misuse. Additionally, we will outline actionable steps to mitigate these risks effectively.

Top 10 Security Risks for LLMs:

To understand the security landscape surrounding LLMs, let's examine the OWASP Top 10 for LLMs, which includes the following risks:



Data Poisoning

Malicious actors introduce incorrect or harmful data into an LLM's training dataset, leading the model to generate erroneous or harmful output.

Model Bias

LLMs trained on biased datasets may generate output that favors a particular group or viewpoint, perpetuating bias and potentially leading to discriminatory results.

Misinformation and Disinformation

LLMs can be misused to generate false or misleading information, which may be disseminated to spread misinformation or disinformation, negatively impacting individuals and society as a whole.

Advocacy and Manipulation

Malicious actors leverage LLMs to advocate for specific causes or manipulate people into taking particular actions, such as spreading propaganda or inciting violence.

Security Vulnerabilities

Due to their complexity, LLMs are vulnerable to security exploits, which could grant unauthorized access to the model or its underlying data.

Privacy and Confidentiality

LLMs often process sensitive data like personal information and intellectual property. Inadequate security measures could lead to data breaches, compromising user privacy and confidentiality.

Accountability and Transparency

LLMs deployed in black box systems can be challenging to understand or explain, making it difficult to hold them accountable for their actions. Lack of transparency raises ethical concerns and hampers investigations.


The substantial computing resources required to train and operate LLMs can have a negative impact on the environment, contributing to increased energy consumption and carbon footprint.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

LLM usage may be subject to various legal and regulatory requirements that vary across jurisdictions. Non-compliance can lead to legal liabilities and reputational damage for organizations.

Lack of Explainability

Many LLMs operate as black boxes, lacking explainability in their decision-making process. This hinders understanding the basis of their output and makes them challenging to validate and trust in critical applications.

Examples of LLM Misuse:

AI-generated Deepfake Videos

Malicious actors can misuse LLMs to create highly realistic deepfake videos, superimposing individuals' faces onto other bodies or making public figures appear to say or do things they never did. This could lead to widespread misinformation, causing reputational damage and sowing social discord.

Automated Phishing Attacks

Using LLMs to craft personalized and convincing phishing emails, attackers can exploit people's trust, leading them to reveal sensitive information or unwittingly install malware. Automated phishing campaigns could target thousands of individuals simultaneously, exponentially increasing the chances of successful attacks.

Automated Content Spamming

Malicious users might deploy LLMs to generate and distribute massive volumes of spam content across social media platforms, forums, and comment sections. This deluge of spam content can overwhelm legitimate discussions, tarnish brand reputation, and hamper user experience.

Identity Theft via Fake Profiles

LLMs can be used to create realistic profiles impersonating individuals, tricking users into believing they are interacting with genuine people. Such deception can be leveraged for identity theft, online scams, or social engineering attacks.

Mitigation Strategies for LLM Security Risks:

  1. High-Quality Data Training: Ensure LLMs are trained on high-quality data to reduce data poisoning and model bias risks. Implement data cleansing techniques, remove duplicates, and verify data sources to enhance data integrity.

  2. Responsible Data Usage: Exercise caution when inputting data into LLMs and critically evaluate output. Be aware of potential bias and misinformation in the generated content, cross-referencing it with reliable sources where necessary.

  3. Continuous Monitoring: Employ security tools to continuously monitor LLM behavior for signs of abuse or malicious activity. Unusual patterns, repeated requests for sensitive information, or unauthorized access attempts should be promptly investigated.

  4. Regular Security Patching: Keep LLMs up to date with the latest security patches to safeguard against known vulnerabilities. Take advantage of security updates provided by LLM vendors or developers.

Google Cloud's Security Features for GenAI Offerings

Google Cloud takes a comprehensive approach to security, providing a range of features to protect customer data and LLMs:

  1. Data Encryption: Google Cloud ensures that all data at rest and in transit is encrypted, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to sensitive information.

  2. Access Control: Google Cloud offers robust access control mechanisms, like role-based access control (RBAC), allowing users to control data access permissions effectively.

  3. Audit Logging: Comprehensive audit logging tracks all access to data, providing an invaluable tool for monitoring and investigating any unauthorized activities.

  4. Threat Detection: Google Cloud utilizes sophisticated threat detection mechanisms to identify and respond to malicious activities promptly.

  5. Incident Response: Google Cloud has a dedicated team of security experts available 24/7 to assist customers in responding to security incidents swiftly and effectively.

As mentioned earlier, Google takes data security very seriously for its Generative AI offerings. The architecture is built on a foundation of Large Base Models that form the backbone of GenAI. To ensure a customized and user-friendly experience, the Vertex AI API allows direct interaction with the models. Additionally, the Vertex AI Gen Studio offers a convenient UI experience for experimenting with the models. Customers can quickly build Search and Conversational apps using the GenAI App Builder.

Google Managed Tenant Projects are created for each customer project, residing in the same region to uphold data residency requirements. VPC Service Controls (VPC-SC) are implemented to monitor Google Cloud API calls within a customer-defined perimeter. Customers have control over their data encryption by managing their own keys (CMEK) and adding an extra layer of encryption (EKM). Access Transparency provides transparency by logging any actions taken by Google personnel.

Data security measures continue when running a Tuning Job, with weights stored in customer-managed VPC-SC boundaries and encrypted using Default Google Managed Keys or CMEK. Queries to Large Language Models are stored temporarily in memory and deleted after use, ensuring data confidentiality. During model inference, the tuned model weights are stored in memory for the duration of the process and deleted after use, further ensuring data security.

Further, Google Cloud also provides the Security AI Workbench, a cutting-edge security solution built on Vertex AI infrastructure and harnessing the comprehensive threat landscape visibility from Google Cloud and Mandiant. This innovative platform empowers defenders with natural, creative, and highly effective methods to ensure unparalleled organizational safety.

At the core of Security AI Workbench lies Sec-PaLM 2, a specialized security Large Language Model (LLM) that has been meticulously fine-tuned for security-specific use cases. By incorporating intelligence from Google and Mandiant, this LLM provides a powerful and adaptive approach to threat analysis and mitigation.

The platform's extensible plug-in architecture enables customers and partners to seamlessly integrate their custom solutions on top of the Workbench, ensuring full control and isolation over their sensitive data. This collaborative environment fosters a thriving ecosystem of security enhancements.

Security AI Workbench also places great emphasis on enterprise-grade data security and compliance support, providing peace of mind for organizations handling sensitive information. With a focus on safeguarding data integrity and compliance, this platform ensures that security measures meet the highest industry standards.

The Wrap

As engineers, understanding and mitigating the security risks associated with Large Language Models is of paramount importance. LLMs hold immense potential for positive transformation, but their misuse could have severe consequences. By remaining vigilant, proactive, and implementing best security practices, we can embrace the potential of LLMs responsibly, harnessing their benefits while safeguarding ourselves, our organizations, and society as a whole. Collaboration between the technology industry, security experts, and regulatory bodies is crucial to address LLM-related security challenges effectively and ensure the safe and ethical use of this groundbreaking technology.

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