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Shell Script To List All Files Changed On That Day

Sometimes System Admin's are asked to become sleuths and find out which files were modified on a specific day to find out what went wrong.

This script will list all the files in a directory that have been modified that day.

1. Copy the Shell script below and save it as
2. Make it executable by chmod +x
3. Now run the script as per the syntax below-

The syntax is :
sh /name/of/directory

Note: You can also modify the 'mtime' parameter to make it display data for 'n' number of days as required. Enjoy ;-)

# Script Name :
# Modifications :
# Description : Lists all the files in a directory that have been modified that day

# Start of procedures/functions #

funct_check_params()    # Function Name
{    # Start of the function
  if [ ${NARG} -ne 1 ]; then    # If the number of arguments is not one, then output a message
    echo "$0 : Not enough Parameters passed, you need to supply a directory"
    exit 1 # Quit the program

  # If the argument passed is -h or --h then display the following message in the echo statement

  [[ ${SLICE} = "-h" ]] || [[ ${SLICE} = "--h" ]]; then
echo "Usage: You need to add a slice after the script name, e.g $0 /opt"
    exit 1 # Quit the program
  fi    # End of the if statement
}    # End of the function

funct_find_files()    # Function Name
{    # Start of the function
  find $SLICE -type f -mtime -1 > $LOGFILE    # Find all the files and put them into a logfile

  for files in $(cat $LOGFILE)    # Loop through all the files and show a long listing
ls -l $files
}    # End of the function

# Main Program #

# Variable Settings

DATE=`date +"%d-%B-%Y"` ; export DATE # Set the DATE variable, format it as 9-September-2012
SLICE=$1    # Set the variable SLICE as the first argument passed
LOGFILE=/tmp/modifed_$DATE.log # Set the variable LOGFILE, the stores the files found
NARG=$# # Set the variable NARG to a number of arguments on the command line

{    # Start of the main program
  funct_check_params # Call the function funct_check_params
  funct_find_files # Call the function funct_file_files
}    # End of the main program

## End of Script


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